My design inspiration comes from black and white painting. In my mind, I have flashed the application of black and white painting, which is almost as old as human civilization. We have found a large number of artworks such as decorations and pottery in ancient sites. Nowadays black and white paintings are widely used in art. The blank phenomenon and spatial sense in black and white imply the psychological reaction closely related to the visual illusion, which makes the onlookers happy to indulge in its visual illusion. So what I want to express is the classic artistic charm of black and white, which is also called "the age of no color" These three paintings are one of my favorite black and white paintings. Acne paper is a semiannual fashion magazine from Stockholm, Sweden. It is published by acne, a Swedish creative company. Each issue of the magazine focuses on a theme with a large introduction to art. The reason why I like these two paintings is that they show me different feelings and use simple colors to design. These two pictures are also very famous works now.